Friday, March 2, 2012


We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, along with drinking plenty of water, drinking 8 ounces of water right when you wake actually helps to wake up your body. I have to eat in the morning, and making sure my kids get a satisfying breakfast is super important to me. We eat oatmeal 2-3 days a week and mix in different options like breakfast burritos, waffles and now these super muffins!

Okay so my husband found this recipe through Jorge Cruise Belly Fat Cure recipes. It's gluten free, and super fast! Prep time is about 2 minutes, cause I am slow and put away as I go, and you cook it for 55 seconds in the microwave! Super right?? Try it!

Skinny Muffins:
1/4 C. Ground Flax
1/2 tsp. baking powder (I use aluminum free)
2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. coconut oil
1 egg
1 packet stevia (I'm ok with sugar so I used 1 tsp. brown sugar. I think you could use regular sugar or truvia, honey... Whatever sweetens your life!)

Combine ingredients in a coffee mug, that it not pinched at the top, put in microwave, microwave for 55 seconds and viola! You have a powerful muff there!

These are a little different in texture, but really good, compared to most GF breads and rolls, this is a winner! There are lots of variations I would like to try, some on Jorge Cruise's site and some made up. Let me know if you try them :)